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Premature Delivery Injuries Attorney in Oregon


Discovering that you or a loved one is pregnant is one of life’s greatest joys. Everyone dreams of having a healthy baby to welcome home in nine months. However, every birth is different and some women may not be able to carry their baby for the full 39 to 40 week gestation period. Babies can be viable and survive outside of the womb at 24 weeks, but oftentimes face considerable health challenges.

There are any number of reasons why a baby may be born prematurely, many of which are unknown to medical professionals. What many doctors and nurses do know is if a woman is at a greater risk for premature delivery and the warning signs that may indicate a premature labor. They have a responsibility to exercise extra care in these situations

At The Law Offices of Patrick L. Block, P.C., we take the care of women and children seriously. Our Portland birth injury lawyer fights for your rights during this difficult time. If your infant has been harmed by an incompetent doctor, we can stand up for you.

Attorney Block has recovered millions of his clients. Schedule a free case evaluation to learn how you can benefit from over 20 years of experience.

Did my doctor cause a premature delivery?

One of the responsibilities of a doctor in their care of a pregnant woman is to provide competent care throughout their pregnancy and the birth of their child. Not all doctors will abide by this duty, and contribute to a premature birth occurring to begin with or the inadequate care received by a child following a premature delivery.

Some of the ways that a doctor can be held liable for medical malpractice is by:

  • Failing to monitor the pregnant woman
  • Ignoring the signs of preterm labor
  • Taking appropriate steps to prevent premature labor
  • Improper prescription of steroids to increase the development of the baby
  • Avoiding the recommendation of bed rest

Doctors must take extra care for women that are pregnant with more than one baby, have given birth prematurely to another child, have any kind of genital, urinary tract, amniotic, or sexual infection, is experiencing any negative health complications, or is experiencing a difficult pregnancy for any reason.

How can a doctor prevent premature birth?

During pregnancy, any of the above warning signs can indicate a premature delivery of a baby. Your doctor must take immediate actions to protect your health and the well-being of your child. If a medical professional has failed to act in an appropriate manner, they may find themselves facing medical malpractice charges for their actions. Speaking with our Portland medical malpractice lawyer can help you discuss your options.

Immediate care to stop premature labor or get the mother to a hospital with adequate premature care provisions must be taken when:

  • Contractions are less than 10 minutes apart
  • Reduced movement of the baby in the womb
  • Menstrual or abdominal cramping
  • Vaginal discharge or bleeding
  • Pressure in the pelvis
  • Dull backache

Without this proper care, premature babies may face significant health complications. Some injuries suffered by premature infants include cerebral palsy and other developmental delays, loss of vision or hearing, digestive and respiratory problems, or jaundice. With a competent medical professional identifying the signs of premature labor and treating the mother as appropriate, these complications may have been preventable.

A Portland Premature Birth Injury Lawyer Can Help!

Scheduling a free case evaluation with our experienced attorney is at no cost to you, and The Law Offices of Patrick L. Block, P.C. does not recover any compensation unless we win your case. You have nothing to lose by speaking with us about your options and learning about the damages you are entitled to because you have been injured as a result of medical malpractice in Oregon.